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Ordis (also known as the world or, in High Thalassic, Ordion) is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known to harbor intelligent life. A natural satellite orbits the planet, and is commonly known as the Moon.

According to data from radiometric dating and other sources, the planet was formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago, and life is thought to have first appeared on the planet 3.5 billion years ago. Ordis' biodiversity has continued to expand since then, interrupted only by occasional mass extinctions. Over __ billion humans live on Ordis and depend on it's biosphere and minerals for survival. Ordis' human population is divided among about one hundred sovereign states which interact through diplomacy, travel, conflict, trade and media.

Although in the 21st century there has yet to be a major conflict in Ordis anywhere nearing the scope of the First Endwar or the Second Endwar - largely due to the enforced peace provided by the advent of nuclear weapons in the mid-20th century and the increasing amount of globalisation - relations between the nations of the world are strenuous and multiple major blocs dominate the global political climate. Among these are the Ordic Communist Union and the Ordic Imperial Alliance. The political strife between these various parties is commonly known among scholars as the Ordic Cold War.

An international organization known as the Ordic League, which has most of the world's nations as members, acts as a forum of international debate and strives to maintain peace, stability and human dignity across Ordis, with varying success.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Physical[edit | edit source]

Ordis is generally accepted to consist of four main continents: Orda, Escar, Antar and Osova. Orda is by far the largest of these, with a surface area roughly equal to that of the other three continents combined. Much of the world (68.2%) is covered by water, with oceans such as the Transneptic and Thalassic occupying much of its total surface area.

Human[edit | edit source]

Name Largest Nation Population Landmass
Orda 23x15px Khornera TBA TBA
Escar  Transoxthraxia TBA TBA
Tartarum N/A 0 TBA

Sociology[edit | edit source]

Societies[edit | edit source]

Religions[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Religion in Ordis

The religious makeup of Ordis is extremely disparate, with some nations enforcing a state religion, and many others officially secular. Common world religions include Christianity, Budhhism, Taeism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Auridon and Sikhism, along with many others and numerous variations of these.

Organizations[edit | edit source]

Countries[edit | edit source]

Name Population Government
23x15px Faldarun 51,190,000 Directly Democratic Republic
23x15px Graditora 86,657,872 Constitutional Monarchy
23x15px Khornera 281,112,620 Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
 Kolintha 58,525,034 Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
 Meriad 16,870,898 Constitutional Monarchy
 Nerotysia 202,093,022 Single-Party Republic
 New Spanishland 30,125,095 Constitutional Monarchy
 Skogkläddaberg 61,307,780 Federal Republic
 Transoxthraxia 35,864,964 Single Party Republic